[20090410] Question
About 2nd order CR filter Design tools.
Thank you. I use these tools regularly. One question on translation: is it not fc = corner frequency (except band pass, where it is center frequency) and damping ratio or damping factor (not dumping)?
[20090410] Suggest
About Comparator circuits with Hysteresis Design Tool.
One more item I noticed: the button should read "Calculate" not "Calcurate". Thanks again for these tools. They are really useful.
About 2nd order CR filter Design tools.
Thank you. I use these tools regularly. One question on translation: is it not fc = corner frequency (except band pass, where it is center frequency) and damping ratio or damping factor (not dumping)?
[20090410] Suggest
About Comparator circuits with Hysteresis Design Tool.
One more item I noticed: the button should read "Calculate" not "Calcurate". Thanks again for these tools. They are really useful.
(Please, use translator of a web service.)
Vi(s)→ | →Vo(s) |
R1=160Ω C1=0.1uF R2=16kΩ C2=0.1uF |
2次CRフィルタは,上図のように,2つのカットオフ周波数(A)(B)を持ちます.ご質問のfcについては,ログスケールにおける(A)(B)間の 中心値です.このツールで扱うfcは,伝達関数における固定周波数になります.fcと周波数(A)(B)間の関係は,
fc = √(f(A)f(B))
p = -98.4772204901[Hz]
|p|= 98.4772204901[Hz] ---(A)
p = -10047.6504016[Hz]
|p|= 10047.6504016[Hz] ---(B)
"damping"および"Calcurate"のミス スペル ご丁寧にご連絡ありがとうございました.早速訂正いたします.
[20090411] Suggest
About Comparator circuits with Hysteresis Design Tool.
A lot of Schmitt triggers use an opamp, where the trip points are a function of both VoH and VoL. That would be handy. I usually use Spice to model these, but this provides a starting place.
[20090411] Suggest
About Comparator circuits with Hysteresis Design Tool.
Ignore my previous suggestion. I see now that you already provide specification for VoH and VoL. However, running the push-pull calculator, it came up with ridiculously low resistance values for R1,2,3. I guess I can take your ratios and multiply each resistor by a factor of 100 or 1000 :-)
About Comparator circuits with Hysteresis Design Tool.
A lot of Schmitt triggers use an opamp, where the trip points are a function of both VoH and VoL. That would be handy. I usually use Spice to model these, but this provides a starting place.
[20090411] Suggest
About Comparator circuits with Hysteresis Design Tool.
Ignore my previous suggestion. I see now that you already provide specification for VoH and VoL. However, running the push-pull calculator, it came up with ridiculously low resistance values for R1,2,3. I guess I can take your ratios and multiply each resistor by a factor of 100 or 1000 :-)
(Please, use translator of a web service.)
> it came up with ridiculously low resistance values for R1,2,3.
> (訳)算出されるR1,2,3が,ずいぶんと小さい値だ.
抵抗R1,2,3は,必ずしもこのツールの算出値そのものの値を回路上に組み込む必要はありません.算出される各抵抗値を,R1,R2,R3とし, 実際に有効となる抵抗値をR1',R2',R3'とする場合,次式のような関係になります.
R1' = a R1
R2' = a R2
R3' = a R3
a は,正の実数で,上式のように,R1,2,3の比さえ壊さなければ,具体的な値は理論上いくつでもかまいません.ただ通常,抵抗系列に 則して抵抗値を選定するのであれば,a = 10n (n=…,-2,-1,0,1,2,…)とするのが妥当です.
1.交流100Vで 1.2KWの電熱器を使用の電流を求める時 オームの法則 V=IRで求めることは出来ますか?
単相200Vでは I=200/1200=0.166一般的には6Aといわれますが。良く判りません お教え下さい。
1.交流100Vで 1.2KWの電熱器を使用の電流を求める時 オームの法則 V=IRで求めることは出来ますか?
単相200Vでは I=200/1200=0.166一般的には6Aといわれますが。良く判りません お教え下さい。
電熱器の消費電力から電流を求める場合には,オームの法則は使用しません.電圧,電流と電力の関係は,式1-3-4のように定義されています. 電力について詳細は,こちらを参照してください.
100Vでは I = 1200[W] / 100[V] = 12[A]
200Vでは I = 1200[W] / 200[V] = 6[A]
[記事URL] http://okawa-denshi.jp/blog/?th=2009041300